The genus Trentepohlia would not, at first glance, be taken as a green alga. Free-living species are mostly yellow to bright orange or red-brown in colour, due to the orange pigment, haematochrome (β-carotene), which usually hides the green of the chlorophyll. The genus is terrestrial and is often found in Europe on rocks, walls and tree bark. Where they are found on buildings, they can cause severe mechanical degradation and deterioration.
Fabio Rindi and Michael D. Guiry (2002) have identified five species of the genera Trentepohlia and Printzina in urban habitats in Western Ireland: Trentepohlia abietina (Flotow) Hansgirg, T.aurea (Linnaeus) Martius, T. iolithus (Linnaeus) Wallroth, T.cf.umbrina (Kützing) Bornet, andPrintzina lagenifera (Hildebrandt) Thompson et Wujek. These species formed perennial populations on a variety of substrata. Of the species identified, T.aurea and T.iolithus were found on old concrete and cement walls; in particular, the latter species formed characteristic, extensive, deep-red patches on many buildings.
Western Ireland is a cold temperate area with high levels of rainfall and humidity. This area therefore supports a high level of rich and diversified algal flora. Trentepholia have been identified as one of the most common species to be isolated from walls and buildings in this region (Rindi, Guiry 2002).
Grimy roofs are unsightly and make homes look prematurely old. Pressure cleaning your roof can remove fungus, mould and lichen growth. Don’t be fooled into thinking that you need a full, expensive roof restoration when a professional clean may be all that is needed.
Our high-pressure tools are designed to lift the most stubborn mould, stains and dirt from all types of surfaces leaving your roof looking clean and inviting once more! We clean terracotta, tile and colorbond. It is imperative that the right level of pressure is used. Some surfaces can only tolerate lower pressures and we make sure that the right equipment and the right pressure is used.
At The Roof Cleaning Co we take our environmental responsibility very seriously. We believe that low impact cleaning can be really effective and at the same time, that it can deliver competitive and beautiful results. With this responsibility and professional knowledge of our product line, we take extra steps to ensure we provide the best service with the least impact on our ocean and streams. As one of the most engaging aspects of our environmentally aware cleaning services, we centralise your safety and the safety of all those who use the areas we service.
The Roof Cleaning Co provides professional pressure cleaning and commercial pressure cleaning in the South of England. We are a growing and environmentally responsible company, who take pride in providing the highest quality products and services to our clients. We promise:
Other services we offer at The Roof Cleaning Co are:
6 Doe Walk,
Hedge End, Southampton,
SO30 2QE
01489 780982
Mobile: 07850 183053
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